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܏\ v Hans-Peter Seidel

Campfire̓fW^yCgAWater Surface͖GłBۂ̗̂̉fVideo ExampleƂėpBGƉfāAĜ悤Ȍڂ‰f̂悤ȓ̃Aj[VB


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Eurographics 2009
pdf, 4.8MB

V|WE 2009

pdf, 0.76MB

zip, 167MB

Supplementary video
wmv, 33MB

Supplementary video 2
wmv, 7.6MB


Makoto Okabe, Ken Anjyo, Takeo Igarashi, Hans-Peter Seidel, "Animating Pictures of Fluid using Video Examples", Computer Graphics Forum (proceedings of Eurographics 2009), volume 28, issue 2, pp.677-686.

, , ܏\ v, Hans-Peter Seidel, "Î~̗̂𓮂߂̑Θb^ҏW@", VC/GCAD V|WE 2009, ҍu.

 BibTeX citation
  author = {Makoto Okabe and Ken Anjyo and Takeo Igarashi and Hans-Peter Seidel},
  title = {Animating Pictures of Fluid using Video Examples},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (proceedings of Eurographics 2009)},
  volume = {28},
  number = {2},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {677--686},